
Thesis entitled: "The Distribution of Electricity in Rural Areas 1926 to 1963 An Investigation"

NASA Acronyms and Abbreviations Dictionary: Flight Operations Directorate Crew Training and Procedures Division

Collection of Ephemera Issued to Commemorate the 150th Anniversary of the Opening of the Liverpool & Manchester Railway

A Certain Ratio, Durutti Column, Blurt poster

Kim Philby Reappears

Drawing of arrangement and details of water tank for Planet locomotive

Drawing of detail of chassis for Planet tender

Drawing of arrangement of wheel assembly for tender

3 photography albums and 1 certificate

Lilli Palmer Collection


Interview with R Page regarding the British chemical industry


Thesis entitled: "George Parsons and the Parrett Works 1834-1875"


Poster depicting carriages from late 18th century to late 19th centuries

approximately 1 linear meter

Thorn-EMI Liberator Papers.


Exhibition catalogue: entitled: "Royal College of Science 1881-1981: Centenary Exhibition by Jeanne Pingree, College Archivist, November 1981."


Volume entitled "The Birch family history"


Wall chart entitled: "Guide to How Britain runs its Science"


Wall chart entitled: "How the US Runs Its Science"


Typescript entitiled: "A paper on the Stirlings of Methven and their amazing machine"


Article entitled: "Inside the Atomic City. How Los Alamos Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb"


Centenary calendar of Standard Telephones and Cables Limited

26 pages

Joint Airworthiness Committee. Presentation of the reprinted edition of DEF STAN OO-970 (AvP 970) to the Director of the SBAC on behalf of Controller Aircraft MOD(PE) Great Britain

2 items

GenAir Operations Logs

0.2 linear metres

Documents relating to the Logabax mini computer

0.04 linear metres

Catalogues relating to the Sinclair ZX81 computer

2 items

Polaroid Image System camera manuals

0.03 linear metres

Collection of reprints of early aviation photographs

1.5 linear metres

Certificates of Awards and Posters relating to the Greater Manchester Council

0.01 linear metres

Travel documents relating to Manchester Airport

0.05 linear metres

Manchester City Council planning department materials.

0.4 linear metres

Manuals for the ICL 'One Per Desk' microcomputer

16 floppy disks and 15 manuals

ICL Rair Computer manuals and system floppy disks

5 items

Microcomputer teaching materials

0.08 linear metres

Manuals and Archival material relating to the Acorn Atom Kit Computer

0.08 linear metres

Manual for Compukit UK101 Kit Computer and Related Papers

2 items

Script and Story Outline for Coronation Street

2 linear metres

Papers relating to the 3SL Estriel Mainframe Computer

2 boxes

Archive Material relating to the PC 2860-AT Microcomputer

5 items

IBM computing manuals


PhD thesis entitled: "The trend to standardization: product development in the British motor cycle industry 1896-1916"

1 packet containing 2 items

Instruction Manuals for Commodore 64 Computer


Petrochemical flow chart


Information leaflet entitled: "How to make a twin-elliptic Harmonograph"


The Mathematics Calendar: an academic calendar July 1980-June 1981


Commemorative calendar of Sikorsky Aircraft, 1989


MA thesis entitled 'The contribution of the machine tool industry to pioneering in new technologies, 1700-1980'

c.50 (1 tube)

Integrated Photomatrix Limited


Techical drawing of Modified Fairmile 'D' class fast anti-submarine boats Nos.5010 & 5013 of 1945 by John Lambert


Commemorative brochure for the designation of the Newcomen Memorial Engine at Dartmouth as an International Historic Mechanical Landmark by the American Society of Engineers.

4 sheets

Exploded drawings of constituent parts of a Westinghouse nuclear power plant


Report entitled “Awareness of Biotechnology in Schools” commissioned by the Department of Trade and Industry